
激光焊接翅片管 是一个新的, 翅片管焊接行业中的耐磨高效热交换材料. 是一种高效节能的换热元件,换热效率高, 散热面积大, 使用寿命长,温度适应性强 范围广, 高压, 并符合国家节能环保排放标准. 广泛应用于余热回收, 石化行业, 电站锅炉, 省煤器, 客车, 工业和民用建筑供暖, 制冷系统和其他行业.

激光焊接翅片管是集成了激光技术的翅片管激光焊接机, 五金模具, 和数控自动控制. 操作简单,制造灵活方便. 克服激光焊接翅片管焊接过程中的一系列问题, 如骨折, 速度慢, 成型不良, 和皱纹. 大唐现已成功掌握激光焊接翅片管、换热器等翅片管的焊接. 所有参数和自动夹具的生产和协调.

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Laser welded finned tube is a commodity with excellent technology, which has irreplaceable advantages.

1. The thickness of the base tube can be 0.8-1.5mm, and the thickness of the plate-fin type can be 0.3-1mm. The relative processing technology greatly saves the material cost.

2. The penetration rate is large, which can avoid the corrosion of voids, increase the service life, and reduce the heat transfer coefficient.

3. Improve the limit of raw materials, and can use different raw materials for processing.

4. It is convenient for secondary processing, and the fan coil and elbow can be carried out immediately.

5. The heat-affected zone of electric welding is small, and the transformation of metallographic analysis is small, which makes it very possible to make small tubes processed by finned tubes.
Datang has 4 laser welding finned tube machines with a daily productivity of 2000 米.

Laser welding finned tube adopts laser welding process, which can weld light pipes and fins with thinner wall thickness, as well as denser fin pitches. Thinner light pipes and dense fins can improve heat exchange efficiency. Good penetration rate and not easy to be pulled off are the foundation of its good service life.

Laser welding finned tubes can realise welding between different metals, which can achieve good heat exchange efficiency for customers under different working conditions, and thinner wall thickness is also one of the ways to save costs.
Changzhou Grand has been committed to the development and research of monolithic laser welded finned tubes and single-layer and double-layer spiral coils. Now it has been applied in various fields such as boilers, chemicals, wall-hung boilers, 船舶, waste heat power generation, and home improvement. The surface is most used as a heating surface in the boiler industry. It is environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Laser welding finned tube is currently the most advanced product with irreplaceable advantages. The advantages of heat exchange waste heat in boilers and chemical industries have been fully utilized.

Our laser welding finned tubes have stable process and good price. It has provided support for the product innovation of various energy enterprises and provided opportunities for the development of enterprises. Laser-welded finned tubes have higher heat transfer performance and lower material costs than high-frequency welded finned tubes, and will become a market development trend.


通过管壁将热量从热流体传递到较冷的流体是我们许多人使用翅片管的原因. 但你可能会问, 使用翅片管的主要优点是什么? 为什么你不能只用普通的管子来做这种转移? 好吧,你可以,但速度会慢得多.

由于不使用翅片管,外表面积不会明显大于内表面积. 正因为如此, 传热系数最低的流体将决定整体传热速率. 当管内流体的传热系数比管外流体的传热系数大几倍时,通过增加管外表面积,可以大大提高整体传热速率.

翅片管在表面积外增加. 通过将翅片管固定到位, 它提高了整体传热率. 这样可以减少给定应用所需的管子总数,从而减少整体设备尺寸,从长远来看可以降低项目成本. 在许多应用案例中, 一根翅片管取代六个或更多裸管,小于 1/3 成本和 1/4 音量.

适用于涉及通过管壁将热量从热流体传递到较冷流体的应用, 使用翅片管. 通常, 用于空气热交换器, 其中一种流体是空气或其他气体, 空气侧传热系数会低很多, 因此,额外的传热表面积或翅片管交换器非常有用. 翅片管换热器的整体模式流通常是错流, 然而, 它也可以是平行流或逆流.

翅片用于增加换热器管的有效表面积. 此外, 当管外侧的传热系数明显低于内侧的传热系数时,使用翅片管. 换句话说, 从液体传递到气体的热量, 蒸气制气, 如蒸汽-空气热交换器, 和热流体到空气热交换器.

这种传热的发生速度取决于三个因素—— [1] 两种流体之间的温差; [2] 每种流体与管壁之间的传热系数; 和 [3] 每种流体暴露的表面积.



翅片式管式换热器通常具有带有翅片的管子. 通常, 会有一些液体流过管子内部,空气或其他气体在管子外流动, 其中,由于翅片管而增加的传热表面积增加了传热速率. 在错流翅片管换热器中, 鳍通常是径向鳍,形状为圆形或方形.


不使用翅片管, 外表面积不明显大于内表面积. 正因为如此, 传热系数最低的流体将决定整体传热速率. 当管内流体的传热系数比管外流体的传热系数大几倍时, 通过增加管子的外表面积,可以大大提高整体传热速率.


通过将翅片管固定到位, 它提高了整体传热率. 翅片管增加了外表面积. 这减少了给定应用所需的管子总数,从而也减小了整体设备尺寸,从长远来看可以降低项目成本.

翅片管换热器用于各种应用, 工业换热器更是如此. 空气热交换器(如空调机组中的蒸发器盘管)通常是翅片管式换热器. 另一种常见的翅片管空气热交换器是汽车散热器. 汽车散热器的目的是通过横流冷却管道中的热水. 恰恰相反, 空调蒸发器盘管的作用是冷却通过它的空气. 凯农锅炉制造的翅片管, 使用高级碳钢, 不锈钢, 铜, 黄铜, 和铝. 我们的翅片管换热器旨在满足特定的工况, 流体的温度和压力


碳钢翅片可用于碳纤维, 不锈钢, 或铜管. 如未列出,请致电具体尺寸

类型 描述 基管
外径. (毫米)
翅片规格 (毫米)
翅片间距 鳍片高度 鳍厚
嵌入式 G型鳍片 16-63 2.1-5 <17 ~0.4
挤压 单一金属组合金属 8-51 1.6-10 <17 0.2-0.4
低翅片管T型翅片管 10-38 0.6-2 <1.6 ~0.3
竹管波纹管 16-51 8-30 <2.5 /
伤口 L/KL/LL型翅片管 16-63 2.1-5 <17 ~0.4
字符串 弦翅管 25-38 2.1-3.5 <20 0.2-0.5
U型 U型管 16-38 / / /
焊接 HF型焊翅片管 16-219 3-25 5-30 0.8-3
H/HH型翅片管 25-63 8-30 <200 1.5-3.5
铆钉翅片管 25-219 8-30 5-35 φ5-20

根据用户需求, 我们可以生产各种钢带缠绕翅片管和钢铝复合翅片管.


碳钢翅片可用于碳纤维, 不锈钢, 或铜管. 如未列出,请致电具体尺寸

我们为您提供广泛的材料组合,并可以随时扩展我们的产品范围,以满足您对导热性的特定需求, 机械性能, 或耐腐蚀性.

  • 基管: 碳钢, 不锈钢, 铜, 铜镍, 铝, 合金钢
  • EiM的: 碳钢, 不锈钢, 铜, 铝
  • 环: 碳钢, 铝, 热浸镀锌

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