Seamless Fin Tube

Seamless Fin Tube

A fin tube is a tube that has small fins around the outside surface.

These fins act as a filter and a mechanism to transfer heat from the material inside the tube to the outside space or vice versa. Fin tubes are used in applications that require a transfer of heat from a hot fluid to a colder fluid through the tube’s wall.

Grand provide a wide range of fin tubes(carbon, stainless,kopar,aluminium,títan,o.s.frv;) are used in heat exchangers (air, water and chemically cooled)for various industries such as petroleum, petrochemical, steel, power generation and many more.

  • Lýsing
  • Detailed information
  • Why use finned tubes?
  • Fyrirspurn

Tilvísun í uggapípu

Kolefnisstáluggar eru fáanlegir á kolefni, ryðfrítt stál, eða koparrör. Vinsamlegast hringið í ákveðna stærð ef hún er ekki skráð

Gerð Lýsing Grunntúpa
O.D. (Mm)
Nákvæm skilgreining ugga (Mm)
Skurður ugga Hæð ugga Uggi þykkur
Ívafðar G-gerð ugga tueb 16-63 2.1-5 <17 ~0.4
Útpressað Samsettur málmur úr einum málmi 8-51 1.6-10 <17 0.2-0.4
T-uggapípa af láguggagerð 10-38 0.6-2 <1.6 ~0.3
Bambus rör bylgjupappa rör 16-51 8-30 <2.5 /
Sár L/KL/ll gerð uggatúpu 16-63 2.1-5 <17 ~0.4
Strengur Strenguggarör 25-38 2.1-3.5 <20 0.2-0.5
U-gerð U-gerð rör 16-38 / / /
Suðu HF-suðuuggarör 16-219 3-25 5-30 0.8-3
Uggatúpa af H/HH gerð 25-63 8-30 <200 1.5-3.5
Rör með ugga 25-219 8-30 5-35 φ5-20

Í samræmi við þarfir notenda, Við getum framleitt alls konar stál ræma vinda Finned rör og stál samsett Finned Tube.


Kolefnisstáluggar eru fáanlegir á kolefni, ryðfrítt stál, eða koparrör. Vinsamlegast hringið í ákveðna stærð ef hún er ekki skráð

Við bjóðum þér breitt efnissafn og getum aukið framboð okkar hvenær sem er til að mæta sérstökum þörfum þínum varðandi hitaleiðni, Aflfræðilegir eiginleikar, eða tæringarþol.

  • Grunntúpa: Kolefnisstál, Ryðfrítt stál, Kopar, Cupro nikkel, Ál, álfelgur stál
  • Uggi: Kolefnisstál, Ryðfrítt stál, Kopar, Ál
  • Hringir: Kolefnisstál, Ál, Hot dýfa galvaniserandi

Why use finned tubes?

Finned tubes are used in applications involving the transfer of heat from a hot fluid to a colder fluid through a tube wall. The rate at which such heat transfer can occur depends on three factors: (1) hitamunurinn á vökvunum tveimur,; (2) varmaflutningsstuðullinn milli hvers vökva og veggs rörsins,; og (3) yfirborðsflötinn sem hver vökvi kemst í snertingu við,. In the case of a bare (unfinned) tubes, where the outside surface area is not significantly greater than the inside surface area, Vökvinn með lægsta hitaflutningsstuðulinn mun fyrirskipa heildar varmaflutningshraða. When the heat transfer coefficient of the fluid inside the tube is several times larger than that of fluid outside the tube (for example steam inside and oil outside), the overall heat transfer rate can be greatly improved by increasing the outside surface of the tube. In mathematical terms, the product of heat transfer coefficient for the outside fluid multiplied by the outside surface area is made to more closely match the product of the inside fluid heat transfer coefficient multiplied by the inside surface area.

So the whole concept of finned tubes is to increase the outside surface area of the tube. As an example, a finned tube configuration of 2” (nominal, 2.375” actual) pipe with a ¾” high welded helical solid fin of 12 gauge thickness with 6 fins per inch has an outside surface area of 8.23 sq. ft. per linear foot; whereas the same bare pipe has an outside surface area of only .62 sq. ft. per linear foot. That is a 13X increase in outside surface area. See Design Information for extensive tables of surface areas and fin weights.

“The whole concept of finned tubes is to increase the outside surface area of the tube.”
“In many cases, ein finnuð túpa kemur í stað sex eða fleiri berra röra við minna en 1/3 kostnaði og 1/4 the volume.”

By increasing the outside surface area of the tube, the overall heat transfer rate is increased, thereby reducing the total number of tubes required for a given application. This reduces the overall equipment size and the cost of the project. In many cases, ein finnuð túpa kemur í stað sex eða fleiri berra röra við minna en 1/3 the cost and ¼ the volume.

Samband Okkur