Koparrör & Pipes

  • Kopar-nikkel bremsurör bifreiða

    Hemlakerfi ökutækis er jafn mikilvægt fyrir frammistöðu ökutækis og vél þess og drifrás. Slöngurnar sem flytja þrýstiloft eða vökva í gegnum kerfið eru mikilvægi hlekkurinn milli höfuðstrokka og þrælstrokka við hjólin.

    Slöngur fyrir hemlakerfi eru viðkvæmar fyrir þrýstingi lofts eða vökva sem flæðir í gegnum þær, til tæringar frá vegum leðju og salt, og skemmdir á hvers kyns hlífðarhúð á yfirborði hans vegna goggunar úr steini þar sem það er óvarið undir undirvagninum.


    Kopar-nikkelblendi C70600, málmblöndu af 90% kopar og 10% nikkel, er í eðli sínu tæringarþolið gegn vegasalti, og notkun þess sem bremsuslöngur er að aukast byggt á: 1) Breyttar lífslíkur bíla; 2) Gögn um þjónustuupplifun um allan heim um slit á bremsurörum; og 3) Vaxandi kostnaður við tæringartefjandi húðun fyrir bremsurör úr stáli.

    Ef einhverjar spurningar, Vinsamlegast ekki hika við að hafa samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Air-conditioner Copper Tubes

    Copper tubes are easy to install, inexpensive to transport and have long life spans with low maintenance. Because they are compatible with a large range of liquids and are so resistant to a wide variety of environmental conditions, tubes made of copper provide a long term performance that is extremely cost effective over long periods of time. They form piping systems both above and below ground, in freezing temperatures as well as in high heat applications. Fire sprinkler systems, cryogenic plants, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, hospital oxygen systems, gas and steam heating systems and drain/vent systems all use copper tubes as pipes. They also take up less space than other metal pipes.

  • High Precision Seamless Copper Tubes

    Copper tubes are easy to install, inexpensive to transport and have long life spans with low maintenance. Because they are compatible with a large range of liquids and are so resistant to a wide variety of environmental conditions, tubes made of copper provide a long term performance that is extremely cost effective over long periods of time. They form piping systems both above and below ground, in freezing temperatures as well as in high heat applications. Fire sprinkler systems, cryogenic plants, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, hospital oxygen systems, gas and steam heating systems and drain/vent systems all use copper tubes as pipes. They also take up less space than other metal pipes.

  • High Precision Copper Capillary Tubes

    Copper tubes are easy to install, inexpensive to transport and have long life spans with low maintenance. Because they are compatible with a large range of liquids and are so resistant to a wide variety of environmental conditions, tubes made of copper provide a long term performance that is extremely cost effective over long periods of time. They form piping systems both above and below ground, in freezing temperatures as well as in high heat applications. Fire sprinkler systems, cryogenic plants, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, hospital oxygen systems, gas and steam heating systems and drain/vent systems all use copper tubes as pipes. They also take up less space than other metal pipes.

  • U beygjurör úr koparblendi

    Kopar og Cu álfelgur U beygingarrör er framkvæmt með kaldri vinnuaðferð og er gert í nauðsynlegum beygjuradíus samkvæmt teikningum viðskiptavinar. U-beygja rör / pípa er hægt að framleiða úr miklu úrvali af pípuefnum sem innihalda ryðfríu stáli með mikilli og lítilli ávöxtun, stálblendi, kolefnisstál,Monel , Inconel, Hastelloy,Tvíhliða , super duplex,títan,Koparblendi og Cr-Ni málmblendi. Venjulega U-beygjur framleiddar úr óaðfinnanlegu röri, er hægt að aðlaga frekar hvað varðar þykkt og stærðir samkvæmt sérstökum kröfum viðskiptavina okkar. Þeir eru auðvelt fyrir frekari setja saman rör knippi.

    Grand veitir U beygja rör pípu í fjölbreyttum atvinnugreinum fyrir margs konar forrit eins og í Boiler, Gufuþéttar, Uppgufunartæki,Pípubúnt fyrir varmaskipta, Kælir/millikælir, Svalaskápur, og svo framvegis. Þetta er eins vel notað í ólíkum iðnaði eins og í Áburðarverksmiðjum, Sykuriðnaður, Stálver,Olía & Gasver, Efnafræðilegur & Verksmiðjur sem eru unnar úr jarðolíu eða jarðgasi, Hreinsunarstöðvar, Orkuver, Endurnýjanleg orkuver o.s.frv..

  • Copper Nickel tubes C71500

  • Copper Nickel tubes C70600

    Copper-nickel (also known as cupronickel) alloys offer excellent corrosion resistance to seawater and good fabricability. The addition of nickel to copper improves strength and corrosion resistance while allowing the alloy to remain ductile, other elements can be added to copper-nickel to increase strength, tæringarþol, hardening, weldability and castability. The nickel-copper alloy has been widely used for r marine applications. C70600 often known as 90-10 copper-nickel, is the alloy with 90% kopar og 10% nikkel, has been widely used in the automotive, admiralty, shipping, offshore as well as power generation.


  • Seamless Precision Copper Tube

    Copper tubes are easy to install, inexpensive to transport and have long life spans with low maintenance. Because they are compatible with a large range of liquids and are so resistant to a wide variety of environmental conditions, tubes made of copper provide a long term performance that is extremely cost effective over long periods of time. They form piping systems both above and below ground, in freezing temperatures as well as in high heat applications. Fire sprinkler systems, cryogenic plants, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, hospital oxygen systems, gas and steam heating systems and drain/vent systems all use copper tubes as pipes. They also take up less space than other metal pipes.

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,vinsamlegast hafðu samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Pancake Seamless Copper Tubes

    Atriði Air conditioner pancake coil copper tube
    OD 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 7/8”, o.s.frv
    WT 0.5-1.5Mm, or as required
    Lengd 15m, or as required
    Delivery 25 Days after payment
    Einkunn C10200
    Usage Air conditioner and Refrigerator
    Pakki Plastice bag, kraft paper case
    Port Shanghai or as required
    Sample Available

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,vinsamlegast hafðu samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Seamless Copper Tubes

    Product Details
    vöru Nafn Seamless Copper tube/Copper pipe
    Staðall GB/ASTM/JIS
    Lengd Customized
    Stærð OD:3 to 105mm ,WT0.3 to 5mm
    Efni C10200/C11000/C12000/C12200
    Temper Y/Y2/M

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,vinsamlegast hafðu samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Coil Seamless Copper Tubes

    Product Details
    vöru Nafn Seamless Copper tube/Copper pipe
    Staðall GB/ASTM/JIS
    Lengd Customized
    Stærð OD:3 to 12.7mm ,WT0.3 to 1.5mm
    Efni C10200/C11000/C12000/C12200
    Temper Y/Y2/M

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,vinsamlegast hafðu samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Copper Capillary Tubes

    Capillary copper tube is one of the most commonly used throttling devices in the refrigeration and the air conditioning systems. The capillary tube is a copper tube of very small internal diameter. It is of very long length and it is coiled to several turns so that it would occupy less space. The internal diameter of the capillary tube used for the refrigeration and air conditioning applications varies from 0.5 to 2.28 Mm (0.020 to 0.09 inches). Capillary tube used as the throttling device in the domestic refrigerators, deep freezers, water coolers and air conditioners.

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,Þér er meira en velkomið að hafa samband sales@grandsteeltube.com

  • Seamless Copper Tube

    Advantages of Copper Tube. The primary reasons for this are: Copper is economical. The combination of easy handling, forming and joining permits savings in installation time, material and overall costs. Long-term performance and reliability mean fewer callbacks, and that makes copper the ideal, cost-effective tubing material.

    Ef einhverjar spurningar,vinsamlegast hafðu samband sales@grandsteeltube.com