宝胜–2012 杜塞尔多夫管展

宝盛国际 (常州) 有限公司

常州大进口 & 出口有限公司

Duesseldorf Tube Exhibition,德国.


Tube Düsseldorf. 再来一次, 管材行业将注意力集中在莱茵兰. 全球最大、最重要的行业专家论坛 – 管 2012 – will again be presenting itself in Düsseldorf as the hub of the trade.

The figures of the last Tube eventthat of 2010 – speak for themselves: nearly 1,200 international exhibitors presented current trends in the industry and tomorrow’s technologies to approximately 69,000 professional visitors from around the world.

A glimpse into the futureNeither industry nor our everyday lives are conceivable without tubes and pipes, whether they be rolled, drawn, cast, or welded. 同时, the performance, standard of quality, and cost-effectiveness of tubes and the systems used for manufacturing them are more crucial than ever before.

Do some trendsetting! Whether your line is machines for manufacturing tubular sections, surface treatment systems, or even final products, present your innovative products and high-tech manufacturing facilities on THE international tube and pipe industry stage.

毛细管不锈钢管 无缝不锈钢管 & 管道 焊接不锈钢管 & 管道

镍合金管 & 管道 EN10305-1/4 无缝钢管 EN10305-2/3 焊接精密管

ISO8535-1 燃油喷射管 单壁/双壁邦迪管 无缝珩磨/SRB 管 & 管道

A210/A179 锅炉 & 压力管 热交换器管 & 管道 挤压/焊接翅片管

铝管 & 管道 铜管 & 管道 钛管 & 管道 有色金属毛细管