
  • Hitsatut ruostumattomat kelatut putket

    Ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetut putket keloissa ja keloissa, joita käytetään ohjausjohdoissa, kemialliset ruiskutuslinjat, umbilikaalit sekä hydrauliikka- ja instrumentointijärjestelmät.

    Käytetään erilaisissa kiertojärjestelmissä eri kaasuille ja nesteille, Kelaputket tarjoavat mahdollisuuden pitkiin putkiasennuksiin ilman liittimien liittämistä. Baosheng tuottaa saumattomia / hitsattuja ruostumattomia kelaputkia ja voi tarjota niitä pitkinä myllypituuksina tai leikattuina jopa viidenkymmenen jalan pituisina osina. Nämä tuotteet soveltuvat petrokemian teollisuuteen, Öljyntuotannon saattolämmitys,

    Hitsattuja ruostumattomia kelaputkia käytetään laajalti erilaisissa kiertojärjestelmissä erilaisille kaasuille ja nesteille, Kelaputket tarjoavat mahdollisuuden pitkiin putkiasennuksiin ilman liittimien liittämistä. Baosheng tarjoaa sekä hitsattuja että saumattomia kelaputkia ja voi toimittaa niitä pitkinä myllypituuksina tai leikattuina jopa viidenkymmenen jalan pituisina osina. Nämä tuotteet soveltuvat petrokemian teollisuuteen, Öljyntuotannon saattolämmitys, Maalämpö- ja virtausmittaussovellukset.

  • Yksiseinäinen Bundy-teräsputki

    Bundy-teräsputkissa on hieno sisäpuolen puhtaus, korkea lujuus, mukava venymä, hyvä perusta myöhäiselle prosessille , vuotojen esto, Korkeapaineräjähdys, erinomainen korroosionestokyky pintakäsittelyn jälkeen. Se on ihanteellinen materiaali kondenssiputkille,Haihtuminen ja autot.
    Jos sinulla on kysyttävää,olet enemmän kuin tervetullut ottamaan yhteyttä sales@grandsteeltube.com
  • Seamless Bread Steel Tube

    1. Production of special shaped seamless high precision tubes since 2005.

    2. Yhteistyö eurooppalaisten asiakkaiden kanssa,Länsi-Aasia,Pohjois-Amerikka,Etelä-Amerikka,koska 2007.

    3. Näytteet voidaan toimittaa 40 päivää vahvistuksen jälkeen.

    4. 50 päivää tuotantojaksona ja toimitus tilausvahvistuksen jälkeen.

    5. Drawings needed to be presented before quote the prices

    7. Kolmannen osapuolen tarkastus, kuten:TÜV,BV,SGS,jne hyväksytty

    8. Ammattitaitoinen tiimi auttaa erityisiä putkivaatimuksiasi.

    9. Muut samankaltaiset putket:stainless deformed steel tubes;jne

  • Seamless Shaped Steel Tubes

    As an industry-leading supplier of cold drawn seamless and DOM-ERW carbon and alloy steel tubing known for its reliability, durability, and exceptional quality,Baosheng specializes in sourcing irregular, hard-to-manufacture shapes and sizesthe type of tubing that demands high-quality craftsmanship and creative engineering and ingenuity to produce. Through our extensive network of carefully selected mill suppliers, we are capable of inventorying and fulfilling your entire custom tubing requirements.

    In addition to standard and specialty shapes such as hexagon/round cloverleaf, streamline, and lemon, we have the capacity to provide non-standard tubing with unusual, intricate, and complex profiles, sized to meet your particular/proprietary design specifications. Our extensive resources give us direct access to a diverse range of high quality steel and steel alloys, which enables us to meet any unique requirement as well as ASTM, MELU, FI, SAE, and other relevant industry standard. Our decades of experience and deep knowledge of modern tube forming processes provide you with the best opportunity to receive the finest tubing available for your most challenging application. Contact us today to learn more about how our specialty shape tubing can benefit your next application.

  • Seamless Octangle Steel Tubes

    As an industry-leading supplier of cold drawn seamless and DOM-ERW carbon and alloy steel tubing known for its reliability, durability, and exceptional quality,Baosheng specializes in sourcing irregular, hard-to-manufacture shapes and sizes – the type of tubing that demands high-quality craftsmanship and creative engineering and ingenuity to produce. Through our extensive network of carefully selected mill suppliers, we are capable of inventorying and fulfilling your entire custom tubing requirements.

    In addition to standard and specialty shapes such as hexagon/round cloverleaf, streamline, and lemon, we have the capacity to provide non-standard tubing with unusual, intricate, and complex profiles, sized to meet your particular/proprietary design specifications. Our extensive resources give us direct access to a diverse range of high quality steel and steel alloys, which enables us to meet any unique requirement as well as ASTM, MELU, FI, SAE, and other relevant industry standard. Our decades of experience and deep knowledge of modern tube forming processes provide you with the best opportunity to receive the finest tubing available for your most challenging application. Contact us today to learn more about how our specialty shape tubing can benefit your next application.

  • Seamless Square Steel Tubes

    As an industry-leading supplier of cold drawn seamless and DOM-ERW carbon and alloy steel tubing known for its reliability, durability, and exceptional quality,Baosheng specializes in sourcing irregular, hard-to-manufacture shapes and sizes – the type of tubing that demands high-quality craftsmanship and creative engineering and ingenuity to produce. Through our extensive network of carefully selected mill suppliers, we are capable of inventorying and fulfilling your entire custom tubing requirements.

    In addition to standard and specialty shapes such as hexagon/round cloverleaf, streamline, and lemon, we have the capacity to provide non-standard tubing with unusual, intricate, and complex profiles, sized to meet your particular/proprietary design specifications. Our extensive resources give us direct access to a diverse range of high quality steel and steel alloys, which enables us to meet any unique requirement as well as ASTM, MELU, FI, SAE, and other relevant industry standard. Our decades of experience and deep knowledge of modern tube forming processes provide you with the best opportunity to receive the finest tubing available for your most challenging application. Contact us today to learn more about how our specialty shape tubing can benefit your next application.