Tuotetunniste - Metallic Coils

  • Alumiinikäämi

    Alumiinikäämi on valssattu tuote, valmistettu jatkuvan nauhan kelatussa muodossa, ja sillä on sisähalkaisija ja ulkohalkaisija. ID alkaen50mm - 1000mm. Alumiiniseoslaatu, mukaan lukien 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx, 8xxx. Mutta yleisin on 1050, 3003, 6061 ja 5251 alumiinikela. Paksuus 0.045-80mm, leveys 60-2650mm. Alumiinikelan yleiset leveydet ovat 800 mm,1000mm, 1250mm,1450mm ja 1500mm.

    Useat teollisuudenalat luottavat alumiinikeloihin erilaisissa sovelluksissa, kuten autoteollisuus, rakentaminen, Lämmönsiirto, farmaseuttinen, sähkö, ja elintarviketeollisuus. Verrattuna muihin materiaaleihin, Alumiini on paljon parempi materiaali monissa tapauksissa. Alumiinikela voidaan toimittaa tavallisella myllyviimeistelyllä, tai se voidaan harjata, ruudullinen, väri päällystetty, satiinikäsitelty ja anodisoitu. Alumiinilevy tai alumiinifolio voidaan leikata keloiksi asiakkaan vaatimusten mukaisesti.

  • Alumiininen nauha

    Alumiinilevy & kalvo rullina, joiden paksuus on > 0.2mm, Leveyttä 20 mm - 100 mm kutsutaan yleensä alumiininauhaksi. Yleisnimi alumiiniliuskoille, joita valmistetaan pienillä nauhaleveyksillä, on yleensä halkaistu nauha. Alumiinilevyt leikataan tarvittavaksi leikkaustyökaluilla, alumiininauhan raaka-aine on puhdas alumiini tai alumiiniseos kuumavalssattu valssattu alumiinikäämi ja kuumavalssattu kela. Kylmävalssatun koneen kautta valssauslevyn ja alumiinikelan eri paksuuden ja leveyden muodostamiseksi, ja sitten pystysuora leikkaus- ja leikkauskone nauhan eri leveydelle. Ja paksuus<0.2mm, kutsumme sitä alumiinifolionauhaksi tai alumiinifoliokelaksi.

  • Alumiinifolio

    Alumiinifolio on alumiinia, joka on valmistettu ohuista metallilehdistä, joiden paksuus on alle 0,2 mm (7.9 Mils); ohuemmat mittarit 4 Mikrometrejä käytetään myös yleisesti. Tavallinen kotitalousfolio on tyypillisesti 0.016 mm (0.63 Mils) paksu, ja kestävä kotitalousfolio on tyypillisesti 0.024 mm (0.94 Mils). Ja ilmastointilaitteen kalvo voi olla ohuempi kuin 0,0047 mm, ja jotkut ruokafoliot, jotka ovat ohuempia kuin 0.002 mm. Kalvo on taipuisa ja se voidaan helposti taivuttaa tai kääriä esineiden ympärille. Ohuet kalvot ovat hauraita ja joskus laminoitu muiden materiaalien, kuten muovien tai paperin, kanssa, jotta niistä tulisi vahvempia ja hyödyllisempiä. Sitä käytetään teollisesti moniin eri tarkoituksiin, mukaan lukien pakkaus, Eristys ja kuljetus. Kotona, Ihmiset käyttävät alumiinifoliota elintarvikkeiden varastointiin, leivontapintojen peittämiseen ja elintarvikkeiden käärimiseen, kuten liha, estää heitä menettämästä kosteutta ruoanlaiton aikana.

  • Brass Coil

    Brass coil has excellent plasticity (best in brass) and high strength, good machinability, easy to weld, very stable to general corrosion, but prone to corrosion cracking; brass coil is copper and the alloy of zinc is named for its yellow color.

    The mechanical properties and wear resistance of the brass coil are very good, and can be used to manufacture precision instruments, ship parts, shells of guns, jne. Brass knocks up and sounds good, so instruments such as cymbals, cymbals, bells, and numbers are made of brass. According to the chemical composition, brass is divided into ordinary copper and special brass.

  • Copper Coils

    It may seem that a copper coil is a simple piece of coiled wire that can be wound and put to use. As with any form of industrial product, copper coils have to be precisely engineered to fit an application. The winding process has to be completed with precision to ensure the proper distance between the wires and the diameter of the opening.

    Each product that uses copper coils requires that a certain number of turns be made to provide the correct amount of resistance. Inaccurate calculations can lead to inefficiency and possible failure of the coil or device. For this reason, the engineers at Metal Associates guarantee that they have closely examined the specification of an application such that the diameter, spacing, wire thickness, and number of turns exactly matches the design of the product where the copper coil will be used.

  • Copper Sheet

    Copper sheet is a very workable and malleable form of metal, high in electrical and thermal conductivity, and provides excellent corrosion resistance. A beautiful and versatile metal, copper has been utilized for thousands of years. Historically, it served as a favorite choice in making tools, vessels, and sculptures. Copper is also known for its beautiful patinas. When exposed, unsealed, to an outdoor environment, copper begins to oxidize. This exposure creates beautiful color variations in the form of a patina. The coloring of the patina will change and develop character over time while serving to protect the metal from deterioration. People will also create a patina quickly with the use of chemical mixtures that speed the process up and allow a patina to develop without outdoor exposure. Copper sheets can also be hammered, tooled, or embossed for added texture and decorative or functional appeal and come in many thicknesses from very thin copper foil to thick copper plate. It also comes in many alloys that blend other metals with copper. At Grand Copper, we sell pure copper -C110 (other alloys and tempers available upon request). This high purity provides the premium quality needed for projects and applications in a wide range of industries and uses. We take pride in providing the best material. Our high-quality, affordable material and friendly, first-rate customer service have made us a leader in the industry for over a decade.

  • Copper Foil

    Copper is a reddish brown metallic element with outstanding characteristics such as good ductility, venyvyys, heat and conductivity

    Pure copper is a very soft and ductile metal To achieve the required performance, we can alloy with other metals Brass and bronze are widely used copper alloys

    Copper foil is made of copper or copper alloy by hot rolling and cold rolling The thickness of copper foil ranges from 0.03mm to 0.2mm, and the width and length can be customized according to customer requirements

  • Stainless Steel Sheets

    Stainless Steel Sheets & Plates are made up of austenitic steel mainly contain chromium and nickel with the addition of rare elements which offer high corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, excellent impact & toughness and high-temperature resistance at cryogenic temperatures. Lisäksi, these SS Sheets & Plates are highly demanded in various industries like chemical & food processing, heat exchangers, fresh & saltwater marine environments, automobiles and more.

  • Stainless Steel Coil

    Stainless steel coil can be divided into cold rolled stainless steel coil and hot rolled stainless steel coil according to different production processes.

    According to the materials, they can be divided into austenite, martensite, ferrite and duplex.

    Common use stainless steel coils grades are often represented by digital symbols.

    There are 200 sarja, 300 sarja, 400 series and duplex series.

    304, 304L, 316 and 316L stainless steel coils are the most popular and economical grades of stainless steels.

    Stainless steel 304/304L coils and stainless steel 316/316L coils, along with duplex stainless steel coils offer good corrosion resistance to many chemical environments as well as marine and industrial exposures.

  • Titanium Strip

    Titanium strip is produced from the titanium sheet. Usually cold-rolled the titanium sheet by a small mill with annealing for several times, then slitting shear to titanium strips according to customer requirements. The advanced equipment, rolling process, process control, annealing temperature and return time control ensured its smoothness and finish, effectively improved the quality of our products.