Выставка труб Baosheng-2019 в Стамбуле

Баошенг Прецизионная труба Co., Ltd

Чанчжоу Гранд Импорт & Экспорт Лтд


Istanbul Exhibition Center Hall 10E2-20

Turkish Steel Industrial INDUSTRY

Today Turkey has 24 электродуговые печные мельницы (ЭАФ), 7 индукционные фурниционные растения и его 3 Конвертерные установки.

В 2019, объем мирового производства увеличился до 1.9 млрд тонн, вверх по 3.4% на 2018. Объем производства Турции составил 33.7 млн тонн с уменьшением 9.6% в 2019.

В 1996, Европейское объединение угля и стали (ЕОУС) подписано соглашение между ЕС и Турцией. With signing the agreement, customs duties on bilateral steel trade were abolished. The agreement allows Turkey to trade its iron and steel products without customs duty with all EU member states. Дополнительно, the Government does not subsidize Turkish domestic steel industry due to the European Coal and Steel Community (ЕОУС) agreement.

All steel companies in the country are privately held, and Turkish Steel Industrialmakers continue to pursue technological developments to enhance the long-term viability of the industry in the global marketplace. The steel industry has become one of the most developed sectors in Turkey and today counts as the fourth largest contributor to the Turkish economy.